StirShaken for telemarketing

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Telemarketing is a powerful tool for reaching potential customers and generating leads. However, with the rise of robocalls and spam calls, consumers have become more wary of answering calls from unknown numbers. This is where Stir/Shaken compliance comes in. Stir/Shaken is a technology that verifies the authenticity of a phone call, making it easier for consumers to identify and trust calls from legitimate businesses. In this blog, we’ll explore why using a Stir/Shaken compliant VOIP provider is good for telemarketing.


Increased Credibility

Using a Stir/Shaken compliant VOIP provider can increase the credibility of your telemarketing campaign. This is because the technology verifies the authenticity of your phone number, making it more likely that potential customers will answer your calls. This can help to increase your conversion rates and generate more leads.


Better Compliance

Stir/Shaken compliance is becoming a requirement for telemarketing in the USA. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has already implemented rules that require all voice service providers to implement Stir/Shaken by June 2021. By using a Stir/Shaken compliant VOIP provider, you can ensure that you are complying with these regulations, avoiding fines and penalties, and protecting your brand reputation.


Reduced Call Blocking

One of the biggest challenges that telemarketers face is call blocking. Many consumers use call-blocking apps to filter out unwanted calls, which can result in legitimate calls being blocked. By using a Stir/Shaken compliant VOIP provider, you can reduce the risk of your calls being blocked, increasing the chances that potential customers will answer your calls.


Enhanced Brand Reputation

Using a Stir/Shaken compliant VOIP provider can also enhance your brand reputation. Consumers are more likely to trust and do business with companies that take steps to protect their privacy and security. By implementing Stir/Shaken, you can demonstrate that your company is committed to protecting consumers from fraudulent calls, and that you take data privacy seriously.


Improved Efficiency

Finally, using a Stir/Shaken compliant VOIP provider can improve the efficiency of your telemarketing campaign. This is because the technology can automate the authentication process, making it faster and easier for you to connect with potential customers. This can help to increase your productivity and reduce the time and resources needed for telemarketing.


In conclusion, using a Stir/Shaken compliant VOIP provider is good for telemarketing. By increasing credibility, improving compliance, reducing call blocking, enhancing brand reputation, and improving efficiency, Stir/Shaken compliance can help telemarketers to reach potential customers more effectively and efficiently, while also protecting their brand reputation and complying with regulatory requirements.

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